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License Requirements

Licensing Goes Both Ways

In Alberta, every locksmith is required to carry a Government of Alberta issued locksmith license from the Solicitor General under the Security Servies and Investigators Act (SSIA). In order to qualify for such a license a strict regiment of criminal record checking, employer license checking and certification/qualification checking must be performed. Although not every eligible locksmith in Alberta is a Journeyman or Apprentice locksmith, each one must possess the blue SSIA license card and carry it with them at all times while on duty. It is your right as a customer to demand this license from any locksmith performing services.

How does licensing go both ways? It's the duty of a locksmith to request proper identification in the form of a drivers license, ID card, Passport, bill of sale, registration etc in order to perform open ups when it comes to your home, business or auto. We know you don't want anyone to be able to access your personal locked space so we strictly ensure that you are who you say you are and have the right to enter a premises or vehicle.

  • On Guard Lock And Safe
  • Expert Lock Services Ltd.
  • Charlie's Lock
  • Lang Locksmiths Ltd.
  • Screwy Louieā€™s Locks & Glass Inc.